01 April 2012

The Time We Went Hamsterballing...

Do you know what a hamster ball is? It is a clear plastic sphere that you put a small, pet rodent in so that it can run around without escaping or getting lost.

Did you know they make human-sized hamster balls? Some people call them ZORBs and they call what you do in them ZORBing.

I call it hamsterballing.

Big G was invited to a hamsterballing party today. We had no idea what to expect...

Much like Alice in Wonderland, we knew not what awaited on the other side of the hole...

...then we got our first glimpse...
...of giant, inflated balls!
the red part is where you crawl in.

G's friend's mom saw an online coupon for this ... activity. She knew it would be great for a birthday party. Smart mom. Nice mom. Not a fun-sucker like me. The guys who provided the fun were from Games2u.com...130 franchises in 28 states so if this appeals to you, check that link to see if they are near you.

The kids were all flipping out with excitement by the time the hamsterball guys were ready to let 'em rip.

There is a red portal on opposite sides of the sphere...
here's Q-man getting ready for his ride.

And of course I went in...because I'm always up for doing something stupid off the wall :)

warning: there is musical accompaniment to this video...
you might want to turn the volume down...
or maybe up.
So. FUN.

What do you think? Does this scare you? Excite you? Intrigue you? Would you do it?


  1. I'd definitely try that! It looks like SO MUCH FUN!

  2. Oh my gosh, that looks like the BEST time!!

  3. I'd be inside one of those things in a heartbeat. Unfortunately the closest they work to me is Denver....sigh. Maybe some entrepreneur in Boulder will open a franchise up here.

  4. You are one crazy girl! LOVE IT!! Not sure my stomach would though.

  5. After a few minutes inside one, I think mine would be filled with vomit.

  6. hahah LOVE it! I would so do it :)

  7. SHUT UP!! YOU DID THIS?!?!? omg i am SOOOO JEALOUS!! hahaha...this is a life goal of mine...sad but true haha...hope you had fun!

  8. It's the crawling in part that freaks me out a little...even moreso than the germ dome of it all!

  9. That looks like fun but I would probably just watch to avoid chancing messing up my back. Way to get in there!

  10. Definitely intrigued! I would have been more scared of walking through that tunnel to see what was on the other side! I'm not good at walking into the unknown!!

  11. Hilarious! I'd definitely want to try that if given the chance!

  12. You are so lucky! That looks amazingly fun!! They had the balls that you run on water in at our fair last year and the girls really wanted to try, but I'm cheap and said no :-(

  13. Wow hamster balling looks awesome! I might have to try that sometime!

    And this is a while back, but you did make my shootout list last year for doing Nuun relay! Lol

  14. Ha, ha, too funny! Yeah, I'd jump in one of those things in a heartbeat. Looks like a blast!

  15. I am 100% sure I would barf!

  16. Done it. I thought it was a semi-pointless quasi-cool good time. Better than a bounce house, not quite those big boxes of balls you jump in.

  17. Great fun for sure! I would definitely do it if I get the chance.

  18. Before I even read your questions, I thought that looked terrifying. There is no way I'd want to crawl through that and be stuck inside that thing.

  19. I've seen those around before! Very cool. The first Sugarland concert I went to about 6 years ago, they came out during one of their songs each in a Hamsterball like this, and crowd surfed in them! All the people just held up the ball with them in it and they walked all over the crowd! It was pretty friggin cool!

  20. I have never been happier to see a video accompanying a post! Yeehaw! That looks like way too much fun!

  21. Yikes! Scares the heck out of me but I could see all three of my kids completely loving this! I too am a fun-sucker mom. I hope they do not have a franchise in NY!! Lol! Take care!

  22. Ha! So fun! Love the name you have coined for it. We have a little hamsterball that we bought for our little boys to play inside. They don't play in it as often as I thought they would. That big one you're in looks much more fun!


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