Daughter of the American Revolution 3/3/2012 (paternal great-grandmother, c. 1900)
Gibson Girl 2/17/2012 (maternal great-grandmother, 1902)
Quadruple Scull 2/3/2012 (a visual on the origin of XLMIC...with Marin Rowing Assn., 1998)
A Big Family Legacy 1/27/2012 (GCL's Clan, c. 1914)
Head of the Schyulkill 9/23/2011 (Vesper lightweight men, 1990)
Sr. Wmn's 4+ Nat'l Champs 7/23/2011 (Bachelors Barge Club w/ Coach XL, 1989)
Sideburns became a beard! 7/15/2011 (paternal great-great-grandfather again)
Sideburns 7/8/2011 (paternal grandmother's maternal grandfather... late 1800's)
Liar, liar... 7/1/2011 (second marathon NOT wearing a Hefty bag, Dec. 1997)
The Olympian 6/24/2011 (winning double, Canadian Henley, August 1989)
Four baby bumps 6/17/2011 (a series of Baby X, Q-Man and Miss C pregnancy belly pics)
Head of the Charles 1986 6/10/2011 (lightweight women's 4, October, 1986)
That center-spread in a popular magazine... 6/3/2011 (me in People magazine, Aug.1991)
Better things to do... 5/27/2011 (Big G picking his nose, March 2005)
President of a college 5/20/2011 (GCL as a young man, 1889)
My hippie mama 5/14/2011 (my mom, 1972)
WonderBaby! 5/6/2011 (Baby X as Wonder Woman, 2004)
A future plumber? 4/29/2011 (Big G with tools in his pants, October 2002)
Easter 2005 4/22/2011 (Big G and Baby X hunting eggs, March 2005)
The last time we were in Paris 4/15/2011 (Q-Man in the red spinning cup, April 2005)
les Pyramides... 4/8/2011 (Big G at the Louvre, April 2001)
My first trip to Paris! 4/1/2011 (Me by the Seine, March 1996)
She would be about 160... 3/25/2011 (Great-great-grandmother, circa 1900)
Born in the caul 3/18/2011 (Miss C's birth, March 2009)
Picking a winner... 2/25/2011 (Q-Man, age 3, May 2008)
Baby as Carry-On? 3/11/2011 (kids in overhead bin)
L'Italiano 3/4/2011 (Grandpa Lindow, circa 1941)
My Daddy 2/18/2011 (My dad and me as a baby, November 1963)
Giant Pregnant Belly 2/11/2011 (me, February 2009)
Hugo and the Indians 2/4/2011 (Grandpa Hugo, circa 1912)
A Father and his Daughters 1/28/2011 (Grandma as a baby, 1910)
Flower Child 1/21/2011 (me, 1969)
College Graduation and the Sicilian Window 1/14/2011 (me, dad, S, June 1985 and Baby X, May 2006)
Canadian Henley in the Winning Double 1/7/2011 (me and TZB, August 1989) and nursing in the amphitheater in Taormina, Sicily (me and kids, May 2006) same page