**Warning: there is a photo of a naked person in this post.
'Parts' have been pixelated and are small, but I'm warning you anyway**
Update: The person in the photo found my blog while searching the internet for naked
Bay to Breakers photos and has left a comment.
It's a cable car :)
The Good
My training has been going so well for the past several weeks. I've been consistent and diligent. My cardio base is getting really solid. I've put in some amazing hill runs with the idea of going into Bay to Breakers feeling like the Hayes Street Hill ain't no big thang. This was accomplished :)
The Bad
My left calf was feeling sore and super tight for a few days but only during running and walking down stairs. I had to extra-minimize the amount of running I was doing. No amount of rolling, Sticking, icing, or massage seemed to be making a difference, but I kept doing those things anyway. Additionally, something had been feeling 'off' in my mid-back and hip/pelvis. Things were feeling inflamed. I chalked this up to hormones...because they are a great scapegoat.
The Ugly
Awesomely, there was no lead-up ugly :)
The Day Before
The Good
This year's expo was easy to get to on public transportation with a three-year old, easy to find, easy to navigate and appeared more interesting than last year's by a long stretch. But I didn't do any exploring.
Happy girl on her first trip on BART
The Bad
By the time I found the bib pick-up area, my number on the board and the line for my number, aforementioned three-year old was pretty done. Granted it was lunch time, so no expo exploration other than a quick trip to the Nuun booth to say 'hello.' The meltdown began as I tried to exit the premises. Must touch all the balloon sculptures. Cannot walk. Carry me, mommy. Somehow we made it back to the BART station in one piece. But the trains were loud...
sooooo loud, mommy
The Ugly
Transferring trains was most upsetting. She didn't want to get off the train even though we were going to get on another one. She let the world know she was not happy with this arrangement by cleaning the floor of the platform with her body while hollering, "don't wanna get off! don't wanna get off! let me onnnnn! let me onnnnn!" It would have been comical...but it wasn't.
But I had the bib, we made it home, we got lunch and were able to relax. Whew.
And the next day was...
Race Day!!!
Things were great right off the bat! Of course, because of the title, you know they didn't stay that way.
I didn't oversleep. My pre-race prep at home went off without a hitch. Parking at the train station was easy. I was on time for the train and even ran into some good friends while waiting :)
Nothing like seeing costumed runners at the crack of dawn waiting for the train!
I got a boo-hisssss for looking like a 'serious runner.' I assured the hecklers that it was, indeed, a costume. And anyway I had the samurai hair-do and a sparkly headband on... the combo = costume. At least to me it does.
I was so busy chatting with my buddies that I didn't take anymore awesome costume pics...but there weren't a whole lot this year anyway, or so it seemed. However, right as we parted for our respective corrals, I had the first naked runner sighting...

You can biggify this if you really want to...but I did pixelate the 'parts'
...nothing we haven't seen before...
fortunately, this year was not as cold as last.
There were LOTS of naked guys this year as compared to last...probably a function of the nicer weather. But there were very few women despite the mild temperatures, just LOTS of guys.
The scene at the start was your typical giant race starting line zoo...
I tried taking pictures but was having a hard time with the camera...as evidenced by the next two photos...
I put the camera away with the intention of taking it back out after the Hayes Street Hill. Also, as I mentioned before, there just didn't appear to be that many cool costumes at this point, which might have been due to the fact that I was in Corral A and with the faster runners. Or maybe I was just oblivious.
Best Points of the Day: I felt amazing going up the big Hill. I wasn't fast, but I was strong and steady. I credit this to all the Moesers I've been running. To top things off, my hip was feeling GREAT. When I crested the hill ahead of my previous time while feeling fantastic, I had high hopes for improving on last year's finish.
Shortly after I flew down the short descent from the summit that precedes a mile or so of fairly flat terrain, I felt that sense of elation and optimism quickly fade.
The Bad
Within moments of hitting the 'flat' stretch right around the 3-mile mark, the stiffness I've been having in my left calf flared with a vengeance. I kept thinking it would loosen up, but by Mile 4 the stick of rebar that had implanted itself in my lower leg extended all the way up and into my hamstring. I stopped to the side and attempted to stretch and massage it out...to no avail.
It felt better to run than to walk...so that was good :P but every time I tried to push my HR over 145, the wooden deadness of my leg would transform into shooting, searing pain from my Achilles tendon up to just under my buttcheek. I kept things slow and steady and every so often made an effort to crank it up a notch... but it just wasn't happening. My struggle to survive superseded the desire to photo any more of the event...big-time blogger let-down :(
I should have worn a pirate costume because I felt like this guy.
He even has the wooden leg on the same side.
The Ugly
Running downhill and witnessing everyone around me open it up and blow by me as if I were standing still felt so lonely.
Also, this is when I saw all the naked men's butts. Butts, butts and more butts. Lots of butts.
Feeling fit and powerless is really frustrating. Finishing a race and not feeling tired just flat-out pissed me off.
And the kicker...
Getting passed by goddamned Gumby at the finish line was quite the tragi-comic moment. About this piece of the experience, I am rendered speechless.
I'm borrowing this photo from rachelhop.com. She took it last year. If I had seen Gumby right there behind me...well, it wouldn't have made any difference. I was already stumping along as best I could :(
The finish stats are as follows:
Time.... 1:14:01 (9:56 pace) 4 minutes slower than last year
In the top 22% of overall finishers, top 11% of all female finishers, and top 11% of women in my age group. Not as good as last year...which does bum me out a little...but it could have been worse. Finishing upright and with no residual injury is always a good thing. And it was kind of fun...sort of. If running with a wooden leg is ever fun.
And look what they gave me for my efforts...
And no, I didn't drink it.
LOL! Hilarious post. Sorry you didn't love your run but you should just be thankful for all of the butts. Many, many butts.
ReplyDeleteHA, chocolate milk! LOL
ReplyDeleteI know!!!
DeleteDidn't I read somewhere...some blogger has a whole long foaming at the mouth rant about chocolate milk. I should find it and link it for you.
Deletethat race sounds so incredibly nuts, yet so incredibly fun. bummer your legs weren't on your side, but as BOB pointed out, at least you got lots'o'butt viewing. so then there's that.... ?
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure if all those butts would be a good thing or bad...probably the latter. THe gladiator dude looks cool though.
ReplyDelete3 year old on BART sounds like pure torture.
It was fine ON the train...it was the transitioning parts that were excruciating :(
DeleteLol on the meltdown your daughter had getting back on the train on Friday! And I agree, those BART trains are loud!
ReplyDeleteYour race experience pretty much sums up my B2B too - not too many cool costumes, wayyyyyyy too many naked guys, people in costumes blowing by me like I was standing still, etc.
Bummer about your leg, hopefully it starts to loosen up soon. And yea, I should have stopped to pick up some chocolate milk on the race course, the finish line goodies were awful! Though I didn't want to carry the chocolate milk the rest of the race - the stand was at mile 4 I think...
And I got to say that my typical B2B race experience was somewhat stolen by the fun police it seems - just seemed like a pretty boring race to me this year. Paying $82 for a race that doesn't even include a tshirt is starting to seem ridiculous to me. I'll probably keep doing it every year, but I was slightly disappointed with how the race went overall. Full recap to come soon!
I signed up a million years ago and it was 'only' fifty something dollars. Yeah...it's supposed to be more exciting!!!! Drunken people and whatnot. I did see the salmon though! I forgot to mention that... about midway on Hayes Street Hill...about the same place I saw them last year. That was the costume highlight, I think.
Deleteawww, so sorry about the little one but I had to laugh.
ReplyDeleteSOOO something my Lola would do ;)
A friend of mine did this race and sent me nekkid pics. SHILARIOUSLY!!!! HYSTERICAL...wow...looks like a bucket list race for sure!
ok the choc milk...that is hilarious.....so sorry about how it went for you though... finishing upright is always a good way to finish I agree! :)
ReplyDelete"fortunately it wasn't as cold as last year" HA!
ReplyDeleteI kind of thought the choco milk prize was more than a bit ironic. Should have given it to Gumby. I'm having trouble with the very idea of running any distance at all naked. Not that I care about the being naked part, middle aged guys are essentially invisible in today's world. It's the running without any support. Ouch.
ReplyDeleteLOLOL @ all naked men's butts. Sorry that you were hurtin' during the race, but I admire your tenacity to finish and more importantly restraining yourself. Never wanna aggravate or create injuries!
ReplyDeleteI have a 3 year old who also did a really good job cleaning the floors with her body b/c she didn't want to leave the children's play area at the YMCA. I wish I had taken pictures like you did...I don't think I had my iPhone with me but I really should have asked for hubby's phone. So I totally sympathize with you.
I took all of my hellions to the expo for the RnR up here on Saturday. I empathize with you on the 3 year old having a fit at the end of it...
ReplyDeleteToo funny with the chocolate milk!
ReplyDeleteAnd it sucks about the wooden leg -- I would have been frustrated too. Damn these stupid bodies that don't do what out mind wants.
But, glad you got out and about and ran a bit. That's one good thing.
Oh your sweet baby girl-those photos totally capture her pain! She who has peg leg needs cool pirate wench name! Sorry it didn't go completely as you'd hoped.
ReplyDeleteI don't know what made me laugh harder - Gumby or the post-run recovery drink!
ReplyDeleteEither way... I'm sorry the race didn't turn out the way you expected. Rest up and beat Gumby next time? ;)
By the time you were finished I was just getting off the Muni to watch all the parade... haha I wanted to watch all the crazies. It was so much fun to sit, drink and watch the parade of people. I don't think I would ever be able to stomach running it. Power to you.
ReplyDeleteI remember those butts and other body parts well--my husband and I did this race in 2004. So much fun!
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry about your leg--that truly sucks, especially when you felt so strong at the beginning. Maybe a professional massage is in order?
Have I mentioned that I don't miss having toddlers? Ugh! Yuck on the meltdowns/tantrums. (((HUGS))) to the mom who survived them. Sorry your race didn't quite go as planned, but yay for you powering through.
ReplyDeleteI'm putting this on my to-do list. I love the medal too. Just need to get out to Cali.
ReplyDeleteYou should have side tackled Gumby...he would never have saw it coming;)
ReplyDeleteNice job and finish...especially with all the injuries you have been dealing with...
This was a fun, fun race. I will do it next year for sure. Some naked guys were so cute, I hope to see them again. ;-) but then again that means I might have to look at some other ones I would rather not see ever, ever again. Hmm... but if they have coconut water at the end... yeah, I'll run it again.
ReplyDeleteOh girlie, I was thinking about you and wondering how the race was going. Sorry it didn't go better, but considering you weren't able to run much leading up to the race, I say you did great!
ReplyDeleteI bet all the butts were like 70 years old, too....at least they were when I ran it. Why aren't all the young strapping male butts in front?? :)
Love the meda....I bet that thing wouldn't go around Gumby's neck so take THAT Gumby!
While I am sad for your pain & injury (especially after so much awesomeness lately), your post still had me laughing. You sure know how to entertain! Also loving your "I got passed by Gumby" tag. Brilliant. :)
ReplyDeleteIt's a common misconception that Gumby sucks at running. I've always maintained that this is untrue. I've seen him (her?) power through some pretty serious trail runs, very much like a Big Foot sighting - except faster. And greener.
ReplyDeleteSo if you got dealt by G-Rock at the finish line, it's no big thing.
But if it had been Pokey...
DeleteFirst I have to say that it is pretty funny that you were taking pics of your daughter having a meltdown in the train station. If I had kids, I think that is what I would be doing too :)
ReplyDeleteSo sorry to hear about the pain in your leg. Has it recovered now or still giving you problems in the aftermath? I freak out about every little twinge I have these days because I am so afraid of injury...the bug seems to be going around! I hope you feel better and get some redemption soon!
The medal is freaking awesome. I must do this race - who an pass up seeing that many butts!?
ReplyDeleteSorry to hear about your calf. Oddly, Saturday, my left calf started acting like an asshole. I sticked it, massaged it, etc. Woke up Sunday morning, and just giving it a gentle press with my finger was painful. Blah.
Just think about the lasting memories of naked people you were given - now THAT'S the real trophy. Not the chocolate milk. Sorry your calf was being a little biatch but keep up the solid training.
ReplyDeleteI love that you took a photo and blogged the meltdown. LOL
ReplyDeleteAwesome recap!
OMG I just laughed so hard! GREAT post, loved it! The meltdown, the gumby and the stupid milk (and the naked...) Awesome.
ReplyDeleteWow-quite the weekend! The pic of standing there pre-race in all the people reminds me of how much I love that buzz in the air right before a race start...and then I started thinking about naked guys standing in the crowd too and that totally creeps me out. :P Seriously-naked guys running...um, ick? lol
ReplyDeleteSo sorry to hear about your leg-hoping you get it worked out soon!
And you should know that after my last race I felt so conflicted drinking a chocolate milk. :D
So sorry your race didn't go as planned. Glad running didn't hurt as much as walking - which would have been worse. Awesome recap, though. I can't help but think how awkward it must be to be squished in a starting corral with any of the naked men. Ewww. A little space, please.
ReplyDeleteHi, I stumbled upon your blog on a Google search, and I have a confession to make. I am the naked person in your "first naked runner sighting" pic. I live in Texas, and I have flown to San Francisco for each the past four years just to do this race. I've run 5Ks at nudist resorts here (and I'm a member at one of the nudist resorts), and I model for quite a few evening and weekend art classes in my area. But there is something special about the Bay to Breakers. Number one, nude running is not just allowed, but it's an expected part of the festivities. And there's something liberating and exhilarating about doing this nude in such a big crowd and in a downtown area of a major city. The party atmosphere of Bay to Breakers, with all the costumes (or lack thereof), just can't be matched by any other event.
ReplyDeleteI remember exactly when this picture was taken. I was waiting for the start right by the entrance to Corral A. I had just taken off my clothes to get acclimated, but I didn't want to squeeze into the corral with my clothes off just because of the awkwardness (see for instance, Carrie FamilyFitnessFood's comment just above mine). So I stretched my calves a little there, and once the herd started moving, I merged in.
And I didn't run much; I walked almost the whole way. After flying all that way do this nude, why would I want to finish quickly where I would have to put clothes on? Nearly all the comments I heard on the course were positive. I can't tell you how many people wanted me to pose for pictures with them (and I accommodated every one of them).
And there were quite a few naked women in our group. I saw at least seven of them scattered throughout the race. Sadly though, we men outnumbered them by a wide margin. Maybe it's all those "the naked people are never the ones you want to see naked" comments I see that make women, even nudist women I know, hesitant to do this. The media presents us with an ideal Playboy/Playgirl magazine model image of what nude bodies are supposed to look like, and 99% of us just don't live up to that. The human body, in all its shapes and sizes, is a wonderful thing, God's greatest creation, and it should be celebrated. That's one of the reasons I model for art classes and do the Bay to Breakers (other than just how much fun it is).
Thanks so much for finding and commenting :) I'm glad you had a good time at Bay to Breakers! Love your awesome attitude ...the human body is, indeed, a wonderful thing :) Here's to future, fun runs!
DeleteI think it's the boobolas that keep women from getting excited about running. That's why we wear sports bras, to keep the bigguns from baning around- it hurts and mine aren't even big! And to wear a sports bra but no bottoms, now that would be just weird....
DeleteAnd yet, women do that very thing, wear sports bras and nothing else, at the 5Ks I run at nudist resorts in Texas. It does look kind of strange. But they take the sports bras off at the end of the race...
DeleteAt the one "clothing optional" 5K I ran (where I was, embarrassingly, the only one wearing shorts), some of the women used Saran Wrap. Transparent bras.
DeleteI so didn't get that it was a Cable Car on first glance... and I freaking so those things everyday. You still had an amazing finish time all things considered... and yes, Gumby is a total ringer. You think he wouldn't be able to run, but he has no bones and can just sort of bounce along like a teal kangaroo... bouncy bastard.
ReplyDeleteThis race sounds so incredible and is one of the few races I think might actually live up to the hype! One day...
ReplyDeleteI agree with Vanessa..... Would love to do that race one day!
ReplyDeleteIt's been TOO long since I've been by to say hi. (I've fallen off the grid a bit.) But lucky me for coming back to a naked run post! :-)
ReplyDeletePoor C. It's hard to have a running mom. Her life is pitiful. :-)
Congrats on finishing your race. You know how astounding that is to me considering I'm such a couch potato! And Gumby? He's an ass.
Great event and lots of fun! I always drink chocolate milk after long races and runs. Would love to get it as race swag.
ReplyDeleteCompletely hysterical! Yeah, getting passed by Gumby - not much else to say about that lol! (came from finding the funny)
ReplyDeleteGood for you for getting in the top 22% ! This race is off the hook! All I remember is LMAO at all the costumes.
ReplyDeleteThat race is so fun. I did not run it this year, but love the course. I can't believe that you got passed by Gumby! I didn't know he ran it; I thought he usually stayed in the back with the kegs?
ReplyDeleteI LOVE that you have a picture of your daughter cleaning the floor of the BART station. Instead of getting her off the floor, any good blogger gets a photo first. LOVE IT.
I'm envious that you can run and have a heart rate at 145. WOW. If I even think of running, mine goes to 160 and wont' go back down. Ever! Naked butts, glad I never see those in a race. Yuck. But better naked butts than naked fronts....
ReplyDeleteJust huge GO YOU!! for even trying it all--esp. despite all the added fun ;)
ReplyDeleteI have the dubious distinction of being the first finisher with a naked butt. Though, echoing Keith's sentiments ("It's the running without any support. Ouch."), I confess that I wore a thong. (Hey, it had sequins; appropriate, I think, for B2B.) I had a seeded entry, so started at the very front with the elites. I had expected there would be other naked people in the seeded corral -- nope. Oops.
ReplyDeleteI was confused about why you thought the chocolate milk was funny and didn't drink it, until I followed your link. Good points, but the fact remains that, just by virtue of the carbs and protein -- doesn't matter if it's added sugar -- it is a good recovery drink. And it tastes good! I wish they'd offered that at the finish. Coconut water doesn't quite cut it. I hate to do any run without a proper recovery drink (though generally I use Ultragen.)
Now if they'd had Nuun... then I would have been very pissed off and posted about it. :-)
Congrats to you, Nudie Booty Speedster Man! So glad you stopped by :) I think a sparkly thong is awesome! And I hope there were no painful chafing issues. My beef with chocolate milk is more that it's touted as the "perfect" recovery drink. It works for some, but the "need" in our culture to drink milk and it being "perfect"…I have to cry 'bullshit' on that. And about the Nuun…dude, you and Patrick should hang out :) Y'all could go on for hours to each other on that topic ;-)
DeleteAnd I can't believe all the chocolat milk lovers who read this missed the chocolate milk AT THE FINISH!!!! I got my little bottle in that 'Final Mile' refreshment trek up that hill to the shuttles. Maybe I should do a giveaway with it…I still have it in my fridge :)
DeleteChafing, alas, was an issue that did not occur to me until too late.
DeleteI'll bet that post-race shower was kind of sting-y! I could deliver my little bottle o' chocolatey goodness as a consolation gift ;-)
DeleteMy favorite part is the nudist who saw your blog and recognized himself. WORD. I had never heard of this race, but it sounds like the perfect San Francisco thing. (I yearn to live in San Francisco. I will never happen.)
ReplyDeleteOh. And I understand "It would have been funny but it wasn't" all too well. These nasty little meltdowns are ONLY funny in retrospect, and only some of them.
Well that's how I found this blog as well... no photos of me here.
DeleteAs someone who enjoys all the crazy costumes and the free spirit nude runners, I have done this nude off and on since 2004 and love the vibe and easy going fun.
ReplyDeleteNaked Runner ;-)