16 May 2011

You'll have to wait for the nudie booties :( but here's the Hayes Street Hill...

This morning I was finally feeling recovered and lucid enough to create my race report for the Zazzle Bay to Breakers 100th Anniversary run. I began putting it together, and I maxxed out my Picasa photo storage thing!

I even foolishly deleted pictures from my album (that I now will need to go and retrieve somehow :P) in an attempt to create more space... it didn't work :(  So I sprung the big bucks to increase my storage... yeah, all five smackers. Because I know how badly you all want to see the nudie booties ;-)

Picasa and Google are telling me that I may need to wait 24 hours until the storage is available to me... criminey. That's a WHOLE DAY! Don't they know people are waiting for pictures of the naked runners from the Bay to Breakers?

I am giving you a taste of the race in these videos... which are on youtube and so not a part of this lame-o Picasa storage fiasco... whew!

I really wanted to video myself going all the way up the half-mile hill, but I didn't have my mansuit zipped all the way up and I pussied out :P Guess I run like a girl... All of the clips are pretty short and if I had a clue about editing, I could probably have united them into one... but I am not as savvy as people seem to think I am.

Here is Part One... in which I annoyingly turn the camera around...

Almost halfway up... sorry there's no steady-cam in use... but I get major points for talking!

I am so bummed I didn't get a better shot of this... these guys were HILARIOUS and you can only see literally 2 seconds of them. It was a team of about 15 guys dressed as SALMON and all in a line going THE WRONG WAY!!!!
Don't blink or you'll miss them.

I started filming in this one because I really thought we were THERE... at the summit...
but we weren't...

And then....

woo hooooooo!!!!!!

I made it from the start to the top of the hill in 27:55... far ahead of my desired 30:00. The adrenaline of the crowd was intense and it was super hard to rein in any speed that you could fit in the tiny little space you were squeezed into in that massive crowd. As you can see, it hadn't really thinned out even by the top of the killer hill. That hill is 11+% incline for a good half-mile.

So there's your taste, kind readers! I'll be back with the rest as soon as the storage issue is resolved :)

Thank you for your continued patience.


And if you are looking for something to do in the meantime, you can always go to the upper right corner of this page and click on that pink 'Vote For Me' button. It'll take you to the Circle of Moms page on which you can scroll alllllllll the way down to the bottom and vote for me :)  A couple of important notes are:  you can vote every single day and you can vote for more than one blog! I vote for my friends as well as for myself. Why not?

And if it's too tricky to navigate that button and the scrolling, you can just click here and it takes you right to my very own orange "thumbs up" voting button. There is no need to join anything or share any info... just a click and a click. :)


  1. Helloo fellow Pukie winner! :)

    The race sound fantastic and NEVER a dull moment!! The videos of participants are hilarious! I have heard there is a lot of skin in this race!

    Thank you for your uplifting words Marjorie! Meant SO MUCH to me when I was feeling down and out!

  2. Love Jess's comment.

    11+% incline for a good half-mile??! HOLY CRAP!

    The videos rock.

    you are amazing woman. your words [as jess said above] have meant so much to me as well.

    Thank you!

    Voted for you!!

  3. Jeez-still no porn....

    Love the video commentary!! 11% is a major b*tch grade-WOW!! You are too funny! My hubby ran with me during my first marathon for a minute or so each time he saw me and videotaped me running. I love watching those back!!

    OK-I'm impatient but I will wait the 24 hours......

  4. I voted for you even if you came on my blog and left a fricken comment funnier than my damn post!
    By the way, congrats on making it up that hill in superdeduper time! Did you barf?

  5. I LOVE this!!!!!!
    I am so impressed you did this
    I dont think I could do it.
    Love the vidoe.."nobody wants to talk to me!" how can that be?!?

    votes for you my dear!

  6. I saw the SALMON!

    The hill is looooong, isn't it? I am not sure exactly where the course goes, but I remember as a kid, when my grandpa took an RV to SF. His hubcap came off the RV at the top of the hill and he made me and my sister go get it. It rolled, I don't know how far....until it finally stopped. That place is just hill after hill. lol

    So I am glad you met your goal time for the hill! Looking forward to the rest :)

  7. LOL, this race is keeping me strangely entertained


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