21 May 2011

Big Plans...

Now that the 2011 Zazzle San Francisco Bay to Breakers has happened, and I got to see the naked runners... and I got my medal, which I hadn't shown you yet...

I know you're all envious of my awesome pink carpet ;-)

I realized that I need a new running 'thing' on which to set my sights.

Sure, I could amuse myself running in the little 0.75-mile figure eighty-eights ( +  and overlap them) inside of my gated development. Do little time trials in here to liven things up. See how many long, slow laps I could do before I rip my eyeballs out of their sockets to alleviate the boredom. I could venture out to the Bay Trail from time to time, where the wind would whip my hair into its Einstein-esque froth and I might meet fast and friendly drunken bums with whom I could do the occasional pick-up race. I like those things... I like the low-key-ness of it.

But something's missing...

Camraderie. That's what I crave. When you do so much 'training' on your own, it is really nice to know that at some point you can count on you are going to run in the company of others. Even though no one would talk to me while I trekked up the Hayes Street Hill, we were all doing it together... except the salmon guys who were going the wrong way! But even they were with each other.

The race I am looking at isn't until October. The Long Beach Half Marathon. My PT approved me to go that distance... yay! I know a couple of other blog-buds (Chris K and Caroline) are thinking of doing it... doesn't that sound fun? Come play run with us! It sounds like a fabulous course.

And I also have a bug up my butt about the Ragnar Relay in Napa Valley. Hmmmm... would that conflict at all with being healthy and well for the Long Beach thing? Any ideas from you, wise and inspirational readers? Advise me... please! And if you think you want to do the relay on the same team as meeeeee (!) shoot me an email at:  xlmic.tio (at) gmail etc....

The next thing on my agenda... what to do with the kids for the summer break?

Road trip, baby!!!!!  Woooo  hooooo!!!!!  but not like the one they did in the movie Animal House. This one will be a psychotic exercise in stupidity and insanity that just very well may turn out to be the funnest thing EVER!!!!!  Imagine... a woman and her four kids in a van traveling east from California, making their way to Mount Rushmore (because Big G really, really, really wants to see it and it sounded like a doable distance... sort of) and hitting all the hot spots in between. Know of any hot spots?

My husband said he is blocking my calls while I undertake this endeavor. He said he just doesn't want to hear me 'in crisis' and will call me when he wants to talk. He said this sort of tongue-in-cheek.

It is still very up-in-the-air, but I am hoping to begin that bit of fun around June 12th. Seriously... know of any hot spots?


Forgot to mention yesterday, GCL had a building named after him. The college campus named the student union building after him at one point. Unfortunately, times change things ... he was just recently taken off star-billing... he has been relegated to the snack bar.


Reflect for a moment on how awesome it feels to watch an underdog rise up against seemingly-insurmountable odds and not necessarily win but do okay... you can be a part of something like that :)  Click HERE to vote for this blog in that blog contest. Or smack that pink button at the upper right.


  1. Good luck with the marathons! I'm sending positive thoughts for a new posse of running friends. Oh, and the roadtrip sounds amazing!

    I gave you vote, too. Here's rooting for the underdog... ;)

    Baby Talk without the Babble

  2. Sorry, I'm running in Portland that day. I will be thinking of you when I get to mile 18 and start thinking "Gods I wish I was only running a half."

  3. Chris K AND Caroline at the same race?
    that is enought to do it! and we are not just thinking about it, we are both signed up. he is doing the full cuz he is manly and I am doing the half cuz...well I am not manly. also in LB the awesome superstar EMZ!
    now come on!

  4. "it sounded like a doable distance", I think Phidippides said the same thing as he was leaving Marathon.

    Long Beach? SoCal? I sent you two, 2, dos, events that would be a 50% discount in price, 50% reduction in blogger buds, and 200% better race experience (maybe even more). Sigh. You can lead a horse to water, but you sure as hell can't make 'em run where you want them.

    Ragnar Relay. Put me on the list of people to call when runners 7-12 bail at the last minute and you needed a few extra horses to pick up the slack. I'd love to run it, but don't count on me for the first string (I'm a better bench player anyway).

  5. I am following up on your ideas, Danny! I haven't toss those to the curb... nosireebob!

  6. I don't know of any "hot spots" but I can tell you that I LOVE this idea. ROAD TRIP, baby! Love it, love, love, love it.

    You better do it, dude.

  7. Here on the blog hop. Got you on GFC, and Facebook, and voted for you on the TOP25. If I could make a suggestion, you might want to change the link on your Top 25 button to your direct voting "booth", that way people won't get distracted on the way when they scroll around to find you.

  8. You athletes, always doing stuff to keep fit and stuff...sheesh...
    Good luck on the road trip. If you run out of sedatives, just give me a call, I can FedEx some your way. I'm a good friend like that :)

  9. Congrats! I love showing my medals; I keep them on my wall :)

  10. I think the road trip sounds like a massive amount of memories in the making!!

  11. I look foward to reading about the adventure! When I'm at the gym doing my measely little 30 min on the Precor I will be thinking of you! Thanks for showing your medal!! I always think getting jewlery is fun!!! Lol! Take care!

  12. Road trip, woohoo! Stopped by to push your button.


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