12 November 2010

I need help...

And I'm looking to you for it.

I have a couple of on-going house projects that are proving to be something akin to the bane of my existence.  The garage is Numero Uno.

Here it is:

From the outside:

From the inside:

Please understand that this is VASTLY improved from when we first moved in... 10 months ago.  Back then it was seriously like a 4-D puzzle.  It was packed.  PACKED.  Floor to ceiling, wall to wall, front to back.  There were no pathways, no wiggle room, not even mouse-sized.  My mission when we moved in was to get it half-empty by June 1st.  Which I did (thanks to a local town-wide garage sale on Memorial Day... nothing like going for it last minute).  My next vow was to get that half cut in half again... by December 1st.  Hmmmmm....  I know.  It looks like things have gone backward.  And they have :-(

So here is my plan... and I'm implementing the whole "just 15 minutes a day is all it takes" strategy that my husband shoves down my throat reminds me of daily... at least one big plastic tub a day eliminated from the space.  One of these:

I am going to post the progress and tell of my finds, holding myself accountable.  What is in there?  I don't know about you, but I seem to keep just waaaayyyyyy too much crap.  I am sure I'll need it again, or it's just "too cool" to toss, or the kids might really want this, or "this has got to be worth something", etc.  It is time for it to GO.  Well, maybe not all of it ;-)  Some of it really is too cool to toss!

Encouragement appreciated!  And if you see anything in the posts that you might want, speak up!  We'll see what we can do ;-)


  1. You go! :).
    I'm in clean out mode too....isn't it amazing how quickly it adds up? I swear the "stuff" just multiplies on it's own....

    Good luck!

  2. YOU CAN DO IT, YOU CAN DO IT!! I need some pom poms to go with my cheer for you. Let me know if you run across some! LOL!

    On a serious note, I'm in need of girl clothes. I'll gladly pay shipping on them if you have some.

  3. I'll share my method. If I don't know where to put it I leave it in the box. Fortunately we have a garage though. If I haven't had to retrieve anything out of the box after six months the entire box is donated or dumped. It means I don't need it and I didn't miss it. :)


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