29 November 2010

Looking for a great giveaway?

Well, I'm steering you over to Lady Brain's awesome giveaway featuring this blanket.

Lady Brain is a hilarious and very candid radio program co-hosted by a friend of mine.  She is one of those fun, funny, smart, pretty AND nice women most of us aspire to be like.  And when you are around her you usually walk away feeling more fun, funnier, smarter, prettier and nicer than you used to feel because her energy is contagious!

So I encourage you to check out Lady Brain's website/blog and Facebook page.  Their topics tend to be not for the weak-kneed or faint-of-heart... these chicks are ballsy, in your face, asking the questions we all want to ask... or at least want to know the answers to ;-)  Although there have been some topics that have been way over my provincial head...

Anyway... these Ladies are a gas.  See for yourself!

1 comment:

  1. I follow your blog

    I "liked" the blanket on Facebook

    I "tweeted" that I liked the blanket on Facebook

    I put a picture of my chafed ass on Pinterest.


we *heart* comments!


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