30 March 2011

I hate my toilets. (this IS running-related... sort of...)

Just once I want to just flush...


I want to not plunge.

Or flush twice. Or thrice.

Or quattrice... is there a word for 'four times'?

I have expressed my ... frustration... for our low-flow toilets before

I hate them.

I have been told that it is not the toilet, it is the paper. HA! Lies. These things clog even without paper.

When I was having my "issue" none of this was an issue.  But since things have been "resolved"... we are back to clog-central :(  And we rent, so changing out the toilets is not an option.

Here's the running part:

We all know that exercise helps with ... "resolution".  And last night I went running.  And I was reminded at the end of that difficult tempo run when all I wanted to do was chill out and be a blob on the sofa while my sweet husband served me the awesome dinner he had prepared exactly why I hate our low-flows.  Grrrr....  Plunge-o-rama.

It was a GREAT tempo run.  A little warm up followed by a little bit o' drills. Then 3 miles at threshold (for me that means @ 9:23/mile)... and there were supposed to be some 100's after that, but I am still wicked sore from the marathon relay on Sunday and didn't want to chance injury.  Including the cool down, it was a total of 5 miles.  Average of 9:16/mile pace... the splits were super consistent.  Yay, me! :)

I've got an easy 5 on the books for tomorrow and .... TEN slated for this weekend.  I am nervous about that.  We'll see...

And I'm not even going to mention all the awesome chances to win crap that I have going on right now... you can see them in the sidebar ;-)


  1. Woo-hoo! For the five, not the toilet.

    You'll ROCK the 10! I'm excited for you. :)

  2. So we're not the only ones with a plunger closer to the toilet than the toilet paper??!!

  3. Kickass run.
    Stupid toilets!!!
    I just plunged mine, it was offended that I had cleaned it- so it clogged with nothing in it but soap.

  4. my toilets are like that
    I hate them with a passion as well...

  5. Oye,with the toilets.We don't have low flow but I have two girls who use enough toilet paper to wipe king kings ass:)

  6. Ha, I was planning on doing a toilet post tomorrow! I hear you they suck but not like they should!


    I'll keep you posted if I find out what my son's teacher is on! I wonder if I could just ask her? LOL!

  7. According to Webster there is no legitimate word for what comes after thrice. But you could use "the fourth time"...Sorry, you asked.

    Awesome tempo! (good of you to save the 100s for after your easy workout - its a great way to keep that POP in your step)

  8. Argh....don't even get me started on bathroom blues!

    BTW...an award...for you...

  9. When we had one of our bathrooms remodeled, we bought the "It can flush 18 golf balls" toilet. My son can STILL clog it up! Ugh!

  10. I am visiting from Life inspired by the Wee Man ~congratulations on the Versatile Award.

    Oh no and you go girl! Hopefully your toilet woes will be resolved...I am grateful that my hubby has an aversion to all problems toilet related and that we have control over such matters ~cause I am all kinds of germ-a-phobic! Congratulations on the marathon.


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